Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I'm SOOO Sorry!

Things have been busy and I have much to share and post! Its been 6 weeks since my last posting. Lets see, since then, I've started working 8 hours a week at a preschool in the afternoons. Ryan goes with me. They don't charge me for him either. He's having a tough time adjusting, but since its not that often it may take longer for him to adjust.

I am now 19 weeks pregnant. The dr's moved my due date to March 31st. So I'm almost half way done now! My how fast the time has gone! I just can't believe it! I'm feeling really good. Starting to feel the baby move some, which is exciting. My belly is getting bigger for sure! And I'm even more excited that my sister is pregnant too, and we are only 6 weeks apart.

Ryan is doing great. He says so much more than he used to. We have to watch what's on tv and all cause he will repeat a lot of things. He loves to do the motions to "If your happy and you know it" and "Row Row Row Your Boat" and "Head shoulders knees and toes". He sings some of the words too. He's learned to put his dirty clothes in his hamper and he's learning to clean up his toys too. I took him to a barber for men and boys for a first professional hair cut. He did SUPER! The lady was great with him! I love his hair cut, it was getting so long.

For Halloween he went as a clown. He was not a funny clown though. The masks other kids wore scared him, so he only went for a bit and was all done. We went to Mitch's mom and dad's nieghborhood with Ryan's cousins. It was just too much for him this year. But I will post some cute pics of him in his outfit!

I have an appt in a few weeks to find out if I'm having a boy or a girl! So I will be sure to update then!